Friday, February 12, 2010

Movie of the Moment: "Times Square"

A definite and defiant precursor to his teenage pirate radio movie, "Pump Up The Volume", Alan Moyle directed, "Times Square", a teenage love song to girls rudely interrupted. A misunderstood film from the very start, "Times Square" is the story of two girls trying to escape from their lives to create new ones. One is a girl who lives on the streets of NYC (Robin Johnson) and the other is a girl of East Coast privilege (Trini Alvarado). Both cosmically come together at a NYC hospital where both are being treated for mental illness and before either one can learn each other's names, they escape together. Along the way they make a connection with a radio dj (Tim Curry), start a band called The Sleez Sisters, and strike a chord with the dj's young and embittered listeners. The final act finds the two girls performing a one and only show on top of a theater marquee in Times Square.

Sounds like a movie you would wanna watch? That's only a fragment of what the movie is and is truly about.

Tune in next week (or possibly the week after that) for more in depth details about the origins and controversary surrounding this underrated movie!!

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